Customer Service
Quality guarantee
It is our provision to offer 12 months Quality Warranty for all the products we supplied (does not apply to the normal wear and tear).
Customer support
It is our obligation to give “at home customer support” before, during and after the purchase which includes:
to recommend practical and cost effective plan or technical solutions tailored to customer’s application requirements.
to make rational production layout and calculate production capacities of a workshop in compliance with the customer’s budget requirement.
to make test running or sample manufacturing on the ordered machines before delivery.
to provide installation and commissioning of the equipment after its arrival at the work space on the request of customer.
to give operation training or guidance in regard to the use and maintenance of the equipment before or after delivery.
to give technical proposal or take the actual deeds on the upgrading of old machines that the customer still keeps.
to make search for and to purchase production material or accessories on behalf of our customer from local manufacturers.
Instant feedback
As soon as we receive the requirement from customer either by email, short message, or fax we will give prompt response and execute deep follow up.
Ensured spare parts
It is assured that our customer will get the trouble free and fast delivery for his spare parts no matter where he is located.